Friday 05 May 2023

Workout Plan: Pump City

Purpose: To increase muscular endurance and strength in the arms, chest, and core.

Warm Up:

3 rounds:

  • 5 calories on any cardio machine (rower, bike, etc.)
  • 2 walk outs
  • 3/3 thread the needle
  • 10 scorpion tails
  • 5 straight leg sit ups
  • 10 KB bicep curls

Part A: Pump City

Measure: Time (Endurance)
10 rounds of the following exercises:

  • 12 barbell bicep curls
  • 10 dips
  • 12 alt DB hammer curls
  • 10 skull crushers
  • 12 weighted sit ups
  • 10 close grip bench
  • 12 KB bicep curls
  • 10 walk ups

Muscle Groups:

  • Biceps: Barbell bicep curls, alt DB hammer curls, and KB bicep curls target the bicep muscles for strength and endurance.
  • Triceps: Dips, skull crushers, and close grip bench engage the triceps muscles for strength and endurance.
  • Core: Weighted sit ups engage the abdominal muscles for core strength.

This workout plan targets the arm muscles and core for increased strength and endurance. The exercises included are compound movements that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, resulting in a full-body workout. It is an ideal workout plan for individuals who are looking to improve their arm strength and overall fitness.

Additional Information:

Measure: Weight
Warm Up: 3/3 thread the needle means 3 reps on each side.

Note: For best results, choose weights that allow you to complete each exercise with proper form and control.

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