Friday 09 September 2022
Workout Plan: Explosive Power
Purpose: To enhance sports performance by focusing on explosive movements and speed, targeting the upper body, lower body, and core muscles for stability and balance.
Warm Up:
3 rounds:
- 10 shoulder taps
- 10 supine leg overs
- 3/3 hip openers
- 5/5 1-arm kettlebell swings
- 10 bunny hops
Part A: Explosive Drills
Measure: Time (Speed)
E5MOM x 8 (Every 5 Minutes on the Minute for 8 rounds):
- 10 landmine truck drivers
- 6/6 explosive lunge side steps
- 12 cal hard ski
- 15 jumping squats with a dumbbell
- 10/10 side plank reach throughs
Muscle Groups:
- Core muscles: Landmine truck drivers and side plank reach throughs engage the abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back muscles for stability and core strength.
- Lower body: Explosive lunge side steps, jumping squats with a dumbbell, and bunny hops target the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, improving lower body strength and power.
- Upper body: 1-arm kettlebell swings engage the shoulders, back, and arms, building and strengthening the upper body.
- Cardiovascular: Hard ski exercises provide a cardiovascular challenge, improving endurance and overall sports performance.
This workout plan is designed to enhance sports performance by focusing on explosive movements and speed, targeting the upper body, lower body, and core muscles for stability and balance. The combination of compound and isolation exercises ensures a well-rounded workout that targets all major muscle groups. The variety of exercises also helps to improve overall coordination, balance, and athletic performance.