Friday 10 March 2023

Workout Plan: Pump It

Purpose: To increase arm and shoulder muscle endurance, improve core strength, and overall fitness.

Warm Up:

3 rounds:

  • 5 calories on any cardio machine (rower, bike, etc.)
  • 2 walk outs
  • 10 shoulder taps
  • 5 straight leg sit ups
  • 10 kettlebell bicep curls
  • 5 push ups

Part A: Pump It

Measure: Time (Speed)

3 x 12min AMRAPS


  • 8 dips
  • 5 calories on the rowing machine (or any cardio machine) with bicep rowing
  • 12 dumbbell side raises
  • 30 bicycle crunches


  • 4 chin ups
  • 8 calories on seated ski machine
  • 8 barbell strict press
  • 15/15 side plank pulses


  • 12 kettlebell bicep curls
  • 6 calories on arms only bike
  • 20 walk ups (elbow elbow hand hand)

Muscle Groups:

  • Arms: Dips, bicep rowing, chin ups, barbell strict press, and kettlebell bicep curls target the bicep and tricep muscles for increased endurance.
  • Shoulders: Dumbbell side raises, barbell strict press, and side plank pulses target the shoulder muscles for increased strength and endurance.
  • Core: Bicycle crunches, side plank pulses, and walk ups engage the abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back muscles for improved core strength and stability.

This workout plan targets the arms and shoulders while also engaging the core muscles for a well-rounded workout. The use of AMRAPS ensures a high-intensity workout that will improve endurance and overall fitness. It is an ideal workout plan for individuals who are looking to increase arm and shoulder muscle endurance, improve core strength, and overall fitness.

Additional information:

B2H stands for Build to Heavy
Measure: Weight

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