Friday 17 March 2023
Workout Plan: Re-Test Week 5
Purpose: To test 1RM chin up strength and perform a high-intensity bicep and tricep workout.
Warm Up:
2 rounds:
- 5 calories on any cardio machine (rower, bike, etc.)
- 10 scap retractions
- 10 shoulder taps
- 10 KB bicep curls
- 10 leg raises
Part A: 1RM Chin Up
Measure: Weight
- Perform a weighted chin up to test your one-rep max strength.
Part B: Pump A Lot
Measure: Rounds
Perform as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of the following exercises in the given order:
- 12 DB bicep curls
- 6 calories on the seated ski machine
- 12 close grip bench press
- 6 calories on the arms only bike
- 12 straight bar bicep curls
- 6 calories on the bicep rowing machine
- 12 dips
- 6/6 walk ups
Muscle Groups:
- Biceps: DB bicep curls, straight bar bicep curls, and bicep rowing target the biceps for increased strength and size.
- Triceps: Close grip bench press, dips, and walk ups target the triceps for increased strength and size.
- Cardio: The seated ski machine and arms only bike are used for cardiovascular endurance.
This workout plan is ideal for individuals looking to test their chin up strength and perform a high-intensity bicep and tricep workout. The combination of weighted chin ups and high-rep exercises will stimulate muscle growth and increase overall strength. The cardio machines used in Part B will also improve cardiovascular endurance.