Tuesday 22 February 2022
Workout Plan: Leg City
Purpose: To build and strengthen lower body muscles, focusing on the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, while incorporating core exercises for stability and balance.
Warm Up:
3 rounds:
- Hill run
- 3/3 hip openers
- 5 yes-no squats
- 5 feet to knees
- 5 sumo squats
- 4 squats building
Part A: Leg Week 5
Measure: Weight
8 sets:
- 1 back squat at 100%
- 8/8 1-arm KB swings
- 3 tempo front squats (3-2-1)
- 200m run
- 100 sit ups
Muscle Groups:
- Quads: Back squats and tempo front squats target the quadriceps, which are the large muscles on the front of the thigh.
- Hamstrings and Glutes: The tempo front squats and 1-arm KB swings target the hamstrings and glutes, which are the muscles on the back of the thigh and buttocks.
- Calves: The hill run engages the calves, helping to build and strengthen these muscles.
- Core: 1-arm KB swings and tempo front squats engage the core muscles, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back muscles for stability and core strength.
This workout plan targets lower body muscles, focusing on the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, while incorporating core exercises for stability and balance. The combination of compound and isolation exercises ensures a well-rounded workout that targets all major muscle groups in the lower body and core.
Additional Information:
Tempo front squats are performed with a 3-2-1 tempo, which means taking 3 seconds to lower, 2 seconds at the bottom, and 1 second to rise.