Wednesday 08 March 2023
Workout Plan: Simba
Purpose: To improve cardiovascular endurance, burn calories, and strengthen muscles in the legs, arms, chest, and core.
Warm Up:
2 rounds:
- 10 calories on any cardio machine (rower, bike, etc.)
- 5/5 hip openers
- 10 calf raises
- 10 dorso flexions
- 10 scorpion tails
- 8/8 1-arm kettlebell swings
Part A: Simba
Measure: Rounds
40min AMRAP
- 200m run
- 10 alternating dumbbell snatches
- 20 burpees over the dumbbell
- 30 bicycle crunches
- 40 calories on any cardio machine
- 50 hand release push-ups
Muscle Groups:
- Legs: Running, burpees, and dumbbell snatches target the muscles in the legs, such as quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.
- Arms and chest: Dumbbell snatches and hand release push-ups engage the muscles in the arms, chest, and shoulders.
- Core: Burpees, bicycle crunches, and hand release push-ups engage the core muscles for stability and strength.
This workout plan focuses on cardiovascular endurance and full-body strength training. The combination of running, burpees, and cardio machine work provides a challenging and effective cardiovascular workout, while dumbbell snatches, hand release push-ups, and bicycle crunches target specific muscle groups for strength and definition. It is an ideal workout plan for individuals who are looking to improve their overall fitness and burn calories.